Ring Doorbell Installers weigh up pros and cons of wired vs battery

The Ultimate Question, Should You Choose Mains Powered Or Battery Powered Ring Doorbells?

Ring doorbells have become a popular choice for homeowners looking to enhance their security and convenience for a number of years. But with two main power source options – mains wired and battery-powered – deciding which Ring doorbell is right for you can be a hurdle. This blog post will help you navigate these options and choose the best fit for your needs.

Wired vs. Battery: Powering Your Ring Doorbell

Mains Wired Ring Doorbells: These Ring doorbells connect directly to your existing doorbell wiring for continuous power. This eliminates the need to worry about recharging batteries, ensuring your doorbell is always operational. And don't batteries do eventually slow down. If you're able to utilise a wired Ring Doorbell, we'd recommend you go for one, every single time.

However, wired Ring doorbells require existing doorbell wiring for installation, or a completely new installation, if one isn't already there, or you have a battery box for your chime. If you don't have existing wiring at your desired doorbell location, or if you're renting a property and modifications aren't allowed, a wired Ring doorbell might not be as suitable.

Battery-Powered Ring Doorbells: These Ring doorbells operate on rechargeable batteries, offering greater flexibility in placement. They're ideal for locations without existing doorbell wiring or for renters who might not want to modify the property. Battery-powered Ring doorbells are generally easier to install yourself, not requiring any electrical work.

The convenience of placement comes with the trade-off of needing periodic recharging. The frequency of recharge depends on factors like how often motion detection is triggered and your video recording settings, the age of the battery, and the weather (batteries don't like being cold!). 

Choosing the Right Ring Doorbell for You

So, how do you decide between a mains wired and battery-powered Ring doorbell? Here are some key considerations:

  • Existing Doorbell Wiring: Do you have existing doorbell wiring at your desired doorbell location? And is the existing power delivery through a mains powered transformer, or a battery box on the wall? If so, a wired Ring doorbell might be a good choice, offering continuous power for a convenient life.
  • Installation Expertise: If you do require extra parts of the installation as part of the installation project, you may have to consult an electrician or a Ring Doorbell Installer, who are specifically trained to deal with these advanced parts of the installation.
  • Power Continuity: How important is the convenience of continuous power to you? Wired Ring doorbells offer this, while battery-powered models require recharging.

The Final Ring

Ultimately, the best choice between a mains wired and battery-powered Ring doorbell depends on your individual needs and priorities. Consider the factors mentioned above to make an informed decision. Ring offers a variety of doorbell models with different features and power source options. Explore their website to find the perfect fit for your home.

Additionally, if you're considering a wired Ring doorbell installation but lack the electrical expertise, we can help! Please visit our Ring Doorbell Installation Service section for more details.

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Ring Doorbells: Mains Wired or Battery?